Monday, April 14, 2008

Chapter 10 "Make Assessment Count"

*Even though some states require state writing assessments at different levels, I have often wondered if and how the results are used to help students improve their writing. My concern was addressed in this chapter too. I came from a state where writing assessments were given at the 4th grade level. To my knowledge the results of these individual assessments were not used to help students improve. The data only showed accountability.
*In the past, I have used the 6 traits to teach writing. After reading this book that is all changed. No longer will I teach the traits in isolation or let then be my writing program. I will use the trait language when we are doing shared writing because these are the qualities I will be looking for in my students' writing. I like the Grade 3 rubric on page 241.
*In my classroom I often save examples of well written pieces. After reading the piece, I ask my students to identify what the writer did to make the piece interesting and memorable.
I totally agree with this statement on page 245. "Readers have to read avidly to become readers, and the same holds true for writers."

I believe in the following statements:
  • Schedule writing every day.
  • Time your minilessons.
  • Use quickwrites.
  • Use relevant topics.
  • Help your students "see" the reader.
  • Celebrate students' work.

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