Monday, April 14, 2008

Chapter 12 "Make Every Minute Count"

* I loved the Secrets of Good Writers on page 282 and 283. I agree with the Teaching Tips on page 284. "One or two "big" writing projects a year that proceed to publication are plenty to manage." I sighed a sigh of relief on that one.

* I use DOL (Daily Oral Language) and I know that is teaching grammar skills in isolation. DOL works well for some of my students and they do apply the skills in their writing. But, I have to admit that DOL is not reaching all of them. So I am going to take Regie's advise. I am going to try composing sentences with my students, and perhaps use sentences from their own writing too. I will see if sentences connected to their experiences and from their own lives make a more lasting impact.

* The Important Timesavers and My Best Advice on pages 286 and 287 were note worthy too.

* In closing, reading this book was a learning experience for me. I won't say I agreed with every sentence Regie wrote. But, I will say I got far more out of this reading than I had anticipated. Helping my students to become competent writers has always been a passion of mine, and reading this book validated many of the things I am doing to be an effective writing teacher, but as I read, I was forced to evaluate some of my beliefs and changes will be made. I know my students and I will continue to share ideas, write, write, write, and celebrate!

Chapter 11 "Build on Best Practice and Research"

I am happy to say that I have the choice to teach reading and writing together, and I have ample opportunities for ongoing staff development. I was interested in the research findings on page 263. It is worth noting that research supports the notion that students should write every day for varied purposes and audiences in order to become competent, fluent writers. My students have shown me over and over that if they like to write they are motivated to write and will write more. I know the bonding relationship between student and teacher is important when it comes to risk taking. I make it a habit to tell my students that I am very interested in what they have to say. As teachers I believe we must build on best practices. The most powerful sentence in this chapter for me was on page. 267. "While there is no one best program or model of how to teach writing, knowledgeable teachers make decisions based on research, teaching and learning experiences, their observations of their students, and ongoing professional conversations." I found pages 270 and 271 interesting to read. The comparisons of What We Used to Do verses What We Do Now were quite different. The teachers' beliefs and practices really changed. I liked the What We Are Noticing This Year That Is Different from Past Years too.

Chapter 10 "Make Assessment Count"

*Even though some states require state writing assessments at different levels, I have often wondered if and how the results are used to help students improve their writing. My concern was addressed in this chapter too. I came from a state where writing assessments were given at the 4th grade level. To my knowledge the results of these individual assessments were not used to help students improve. The data only showed accountability.
*In the past, I have used the 6 traits to teach writing. After reading this book that is all changed. No longer will I teach the traits in isolation or let then be my writing program. I will use the trait language when we are doing shared writing because these are the qualities I will be looking for in my students' writing. I like the Grade 3 rubric on page 241.
*In my classroom I often save examples of well written pieces. After reading the piece, I ask my students to identify what the writer did to make the piece interesting and memorable.
I totally agree with this statement on page 245. "Readers have to read avidly to become readers, and the same holds true for writers."

I believe in the following statements:
  • Schedule writing every day.
  • Time your minilessons.
  • Use quickwrites.
  • Use relevant topics.
  • Help your students "see" the reader.
  • Celebrate students' work.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Chapter 9 "Conference with Students"

I have to admit that I was very interested in reading this chapter. As we all have experience one on one conferencing takes LOTS of time. I wanted to learn more about the process. Like many of you I was relieved to learn that conferencing can take many forms and still be beneficial. I especially liked the "quickshares." When I invite students to share pieces I always felt that meant them sharing the entire piece of writing. The big problem with this is that it limits the number of kids who get to share. So, I am going implement "quickshare." I'm going to ask students to share a favorite line, figurative language, great lead, ending, and etc. Doing this will allow more students to share and celebrate. I do this all the time in Guided Reading, and I don't know why it never occurred to me to implement it in writing. Duh Julie! Reading and writing are connected! I am going to keep the list of Kinds of Writing Conferences readily available.

Chapter 8 "Organize for Daily Writing"

In the past, I have gotten hung up with the term "writing workshop." I felt I wasn't teaching the writing process, especially isolated skills if I didn't use that term. I have rethought this since reading page 174. Regie writes, "Think of writing workshop as the time in which everything that writers do to create a meaningful piece of writing for a reader takes place. You don't have to call it writing workshop; just call it writing. It can be journal writing, assigned writing, writing in math and science." Prior to reading this chapter when I thought of writing workshop I usually associated it with me teaching a new skill or writing strategy. According to what she writes the definition of writing workshop includes many best practices. I now know what writing workshop is not.
I agree that writing requires a daily commitment. I have always valued writing and I know that is why I find time in my schedule for daily writing. I have found with my 3rd graders that writing on a regular basis does lead to fluency. I liked the list of topics she included on page 178. Worthwhile topics is one of the keys to a great piece of work.
I feel I am doing fine with freewriting and limiting the use of graphic organizers. I need to do more demonstration writing. In addition to more demonstration writing, I plan to have my students use the "turn and talk" at their desks more.
I have noticed that when I am conferencing one on one with students my other students are listening and seem interested in our converstation. That's fine, but it got me to thinking that maybe I could reach more students, simplify conferencing, and still make conferencing meaningful by implementing some whole group and small group conferencing as Regie suggests. I'll see how that goes ...
I liked the Short Writing Projects with Simple Criteria on page 198, and as always, I learn from her Teaching Tips. I wish I could find time to create a notebook of these Teaching Tips. Maybe my students and I could create a notebook together. I will have to give that idea some thought.